Monday, May 28, 2007

Freedom to Lobsters

A phrase they have on the back of our map to learn in Spanish?!!
Well anyways its 6am and Andrew is in bed, I cant sleep so this is my third entry. Last night we went out for a Flamenco show and Spanish tapas meal. It was fun and we meet a crazy Aussie who is living here in Madrid and has the job of being the pub crawl girl AND the breakfast girl at our hostel, harsh. I think our hostel has a big sign on it welcoming all the teenage american girls on college vacation. There´s one guy here who spends all his timei t seems on the internet, funny!
Perhaps its a tad premature to make this announcement but here we go....
I have begun to walk the road of vegetarianism. I havent had meat for about a week now, actually not alot of meat on the trip at all. Its something thats been on my mind for a long time actually, ever since Mandy and Dave introduced me to the idea of my ecological footprint. It started in Morocco when we went to the chicken markets. As you can probably imagine they wouldn´t have got the SPCA seal of approval and they made me sad and sick. I decided that I couldnt be a part of that happening and gave up chicken then. And then I thought is it so different back home, I dont think the chicken we have had has been free range (can you even get that) and it made me realise that I have no idea where the meat I eat comes from or much about how it gets to my plate at all. So, thats it, no more meat, for now anyway. Its going pretty good so far, they have amazing falafel here and even Andrew prefers it to the meat sometimes. I´ll have to talk to Mandy (are you out there sister?) and find out all about how to get my iron and protein.


hg said...

I don´t prefer falafel to meat, I just accept it as an alternative.

Squirk said...

Even after some years as a veggie, I never got with the whole "meat alternative" thing.

Not only does it re-enforce the idea that a meal should be meat-plus-something, but a they lead to adequacy issues when comparing to "real meat".

Iron comes from greens, mostly. Don't worry about the ads for NZ Lamb that suggested you might need to eat several kilograms of beans just to keep up -- after a while, your body adapts and becomes much more efficient.

(I gave blood all the time and was never low on iron.)

The obvious protein sources are eggs and tofu, but those are both potential trouble foods (eggs can have similar ethical problems as chicken meat and lots of tofu is awful -- although decent Asian cooks can be do amazing things with it.)

hg said...

I guess I like my meals to be centred around something, to have a theme, and for me, not having meat or something that I can at least pschologically replace it with, well, it's like a movie without a main character. imo